Access to “cutting-edge technology” isn’t what makes a recruiting firm good at what they do

Access to “cutting-edge technology” isn’t what makes a recruiting firm good at what they do

Above the Law recently featured an article essentially promoting an AI recruitment tool. This article claims the tool will “disrupt” the recruiting process, and I don’t doubt it, just not in a way that benefits anyone except those profiting off the tool itself. Access to “cutting-edge technology” isn’t what makes a recruiting firm stand out from the pack, I don’t think anyone would say that automated phone systems are helping any corporation integrating them stand out from the pack. I don’t think there will ever be a time when a direct, hands-on approach with a real human professional isn’t the absolute highest tier of service.

Why a Cover Letter is One of the Most Important Letters You Will Write

Why a Cover Letter is One of the Most Important Letters You Will Write

The cover letter that accompanies your employment resume is perhaps one of the most important letters you will ever write. Other than your resume, it is the single key document that will introduce you to a prospective employer and, if well-written, pave the way to that all-important job interview. It is an integral part of your overall job hunting campaign, and it can make or break you, depending upon how well it is written. Construction of this document should therefore be given very careful attention. The care that you give to writing this letter will certainly be a major factor in getting your job search off to an excellent start. Conversely, a poorly written letter will surely scuttle your campaign before it even begins.

7 Key Factors To Consider When Choosing A Law Firm:

7 Key Factors To Consider When Choosing A Law Firm:

Choosing the right law firm involves evaluating factors such as firm size, practice area focus, and firm culture. By considering these factors, you can confidently navigate your legal career.